WPC Revitalization
Church revitalization is a process into which a church enters and begins to work on the renewal of the church with a concerted effort to see the ministry revitalized by God’s Spirit so that the church becomes healthy. The process of revitalization emphasizes the missional work of turning a plateaued or declining church around and seeing God move it back towards growth. This happens by means of declaring and living out the good news (Gospel) of Jesus.
Prayer, prayer and more prayer. The only way a church can be revitalized is by God’s Holy Spirit changing a church and breathing new life into a church that has become stagnant or complacent. People don’t revitalize – this is God’s work. Revitalization involves a renewed commitment to hearing and living out the truths and instructions found in God’s Word, the Bible. There is also a recommitment to ministering outside the walls of the church by going into the community, telling and showing others who Jesus is and what He has done for us.
The short answer is everyone who is a part of Woodland Presbyterian Church. Church renewal will not take place if only a few people in the church are on board. We are spending a lot of energy and time communicating to the whole church about revitalization. We have a revitalization team set up to guide the process (The Vision Team). They are working with the Elders of the church to lead the church through the process. We have several prayer teams that meet regularly, providing crucial prayer support. We welcome anyone and everyone to join us in this process of renewal.
Specifics will differ from church to church. However, there are some signs that every church going through revitalization should expect to see from God. Here are a few:
- A Revitalized Fellowship of Believers – a church that is clearly growing in the knowledge and grace of Jesus
- A Revitalized Mission – a new excitement to re-engage in the mission God has given to the church, bringing the Gospel to the community and the world in word and in action.
- A Revitalized Growth – less growth through transfer (Christians who just go from one church to another) and more growth through conversion (people who are coming to faith in Jesus and joining the church)
- A Revitalized Transformation – seeing people growing in their faith, seeing more and more people freed from addictions, witnessing reconciliation between people, and finding a growing love for God and one another being displayed.
Sound exciting? It IS, and we invite you to join us on this wonderful journey of faith!
We have a team that will be working on developing outreach opportunities for our church. Members of this team represent the various ministries of the church.
Those on the OT are: Mike Ferguson (Missions/Outreach), Suzy Ferguson (Worship), Liz Hover (Christian Education), Jim Wilson, (Stewardship), Janet Syring (WINGS), Cindy Leach (Fellowship), Sarah Lail (Deacons), and Kevin Leach (Pastor).
A few of the events already sponsored by the OT include the Purim Festival, First Responder gift bags for local police and fire organizations, and Gratitude Bags for the Woodland Care Center.

Books for Revitalization
We have books for Revitalization that are available to be checked out and recommended by the Vision Team. See the book shelf in the Narthex, outside the church office.