Worship Sunday Mornings 10:00 AM

Come join us as we worship the Risen Lord! We follow a Reformed understanding of worship, which means we seek to center our lives around God’s Word in all that we do and say, sing and proclaim on a Sunday morning – hoping and trusting that God will shape us and strengthen us to be faithful Christ-followers in our lives beyond the church walls. 

Sermon Schedule

Aug 4Acts 1:1-11Hope in Christ’s PromisePastor Kevin LeachBulletin
Aug 11Acts 2:42-47Hope for Our ChurchPastor Kevin LeachBulletin
Aug 18Acts 19:11-20Hope for Our CommunityPastor Kevin LeachBulletin
Aug 25Matthew 28:19Hope for Our WorldMike FergusonBulletin
Sept 12 Corinthians 4:7-18Hope for Our FuturePastor Kevin LeachBulletin
Sept 8Hebrews 6:13-20Hope Is HerePastor Kevin LeachBulletin
Sept 15Mark 1:1-8Who is He and Why is He Here?Pastor Kevin Leach
Sept 22Mark 1:9-15Impeccable CredentialsPastor Kevin Leach
Sept 29Mark 1:16-28Calling in and Calling OutPastor Kevin Leach

What Now? Discussion

We meet after the service each Sunday morning for an opportunity to discuss the sermon topics. Please join us in the back of the sanctuary following the Worship services.

Adult Sunday School

Sunday Morning Live (Adult Sunday School) 9:00am

New class for Sunday Morning Live (Adult Sunday School)

Beginning June 9, we will begin a new study from Focus on the Family entitled “RVL Discipleship: The Study.”

“A disciple is one who knows God’s path and chooses to walk in it, passionately.” Ray VanderLaan

Course Description from Focus on the Family:
“Jesus’ original disciples really knew their Bible. As modern-day followers of Christ, it is vitally important that we value Scripture in the same way. Season 1 of The Study outlines how we are meant to interact with the Text: 1) approaching it from the context in which it was written; 2) exploring how Jesus used the Scriptures in His teaching; 3) understanding how His followers were meant to be changed by what they learned; and 4) identifying the major paradigm that ties the whole Bible together.”

Click here episode details.


Thursday Morning Bible Chapter Study – in person and Zoom
We meet every Thursday from 9:00 am until 10:30.   Our attendance averages 6-10.  We usually cover two chapters of the Bible each week. Our procedure is to read the Bible text, consulting footnotes in our Bibles for clarification, and have lively discussions of how the message applies to everyday situations we encounter. We end with a brief time of prayers of gratitude and for needs requested by those present. The Bible is our sole textbook and there is no homework for this class. We study and learn together. Come join us at any time, whether you are a Bible scholar or new Christian. You will be warmly welcomed by the group!

Men’s Bible Study Group meets Thursday mornings at 8:00 AM.

Bible Reading Program
Join the congregation as we read through the Bible in 2024. Below are resources to help you read through the Bible daily and engage with God.

Chronological Bible reading

Bible Book-at-a-Time reading

Visit Our Library

We have a very good library with excellent reference materials as well as many Christian fiction books.  In addition, we have audio books, DVDs, and a large collection of videos.