W.P.C. has a monthly newsletter called the Happenings. It is a wonderful way to keep in touch with information and upcoming events! Inside you will find a timely message from Pastor Kevin, upcoming sermon titles. news about Sunday School studies being offered, member birthday and anniversaries, current financial reports, missionary updates, the calendar, and other timely information.

Be sure to sign up to receive your copy of the Happenings in your email inbox!

Sign up here to receive the monthly Happenings newsletter.

    Newsletter Archive
    2024-10-October-Newsletter.pdf 2024-10 October Newsletter.pdf application/pdf

    Open Download Copy Link 883.38 KB September 30, 2024
    2024-09-September-Newsletter-Word.pdf 2024 09 September Newsletter Word.pdf application/pdf

    Open Download Copy Link 899.15 KB August 29, 2024
    2024-07-July-Newsletter-Word.pdf 2024 07 July Newsletter Word.pdf application/pdf

    Open Download Copy Link 840.8 KB June 27, 2024
    2024-04-April-Newsletter.pdf 2024 04 April Newsletter.pdf application/pdf

    Open Download Copy Link 822.94 KB April 5, 2024
    2024-03-March-Newsletter.pdf 2024-03 March Newsletter.pdf application/pdf

    Open Download Copy Link 909.02 KB February 22, 2024
    2024-02-February-Newsletter-.pdf 2024-02 February Newsletter .pdf application/pdf

    Open Download Copy Link 1.3 MB February 8, 2024
    2024-01-January-Newsletter.pdf 2024-01 January Newsletter.pdf application/pdf

    Open Download Copy Link 821.4 KB January 2, 2024
