Leadership Staff
The Elders of the Woodland Presbyterian Church are servant leaders who are elected for a three year term. They have oversight of the many committees of the church, the discipline of the church, and the way in which our church worships God. In order to lead effectively, they must be in agreement with one another and this only happens when they have the mind of Christ. The first duty of an Elder is to represent the mind of Christ and they accomplish this by growing in Christ together. Then they can, in turn, help others in the church family to grow in Christ.
The Deacons are also elected for a three year term and the first duty of the Deacon is sympathy and service. They meet together to pray for those in need and then, with God’s grace, they meet those needs. They sacrifice their own comfort and care to deliver that comfort and care to others. They visit the sick and the homebound and bring meals to those who are in crisis. The Deacons send cards and letters to those both inside and outside our church community. They deliver gifts to those who may have very little and the Deacons always seek to spread the love of Jesus to everyone they meet.